Patrick Schabe

Patrick Schabe is an editor, writer, graphic designer, freelance copyeditor, and digital content manager, depending on the time of day. He has also worked in a gas station, at a smoothie bar, as a low-level accountant, taught college courses online, and cleaned offices, so he considers his current employment a success. Under his unassumed identity, Patrick holds a BA in English -- Creative Writing from Metropolitan State College of Denver and a Master of Social Science with an emphasis in Popular Culture Studies from the University of Colorado. He's currently at work on a first novel and a non-fiction piece on cultural theory. Patrick lives in Littleton, Colorado, with his wife, Jessica, who makes everything worthwhile.

Celebrating the Celebration: Music’s Timeless Captivation

Why Does PopMatters Matter?

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

The Joy of Sex: An Endless Smorgasbord

The Joy of Sex: An Endless Smorgasbord

The Crow Road by Iain Banks

The Wonder Singer by George Rabasa

Achewood: The Great Outdoor Fight by Chris Onstad

The Cambridge Curry Club by Saumya Balsari

Lady Lazarus by Andrew Foster Altschul

Dizzying Heights by Bruce Ducker

SingStar ’90s