
Parquet Courts – “Berlin Got Blurry” (Singles Going Steady)

Parquet Courts are continuing to prove themselves worthy.

Maria Schurr: The organ bit that ends each chorus and gives way to the song’s primary guitar riff has a real Elvis Costello and the Attractions vibe that’s irresistible. A lot of people seem to be describing that guitar riff fas Ennio Morricone-esque, but it’s making me hear “Watching the Detectives” just as much. I’m never one to be too swayed by hype, but Parquet Courts are continuing to prove themselves worthy, it seems. [8/10]

Emmanuel Elone: This country rock song is decent, though it’s a bit generic in its sound and instrumentation. Luckily, Courts is an entertaining personality, and makes up in passion and nice guitar grooves for his slight lack of originality. It also was a bit too repetitive, but I can’t complain much when the song is only three minutes long. Overall, it’s a decent listen, with plenty of spunk and energy. [6/10]

Pryor Stroud: Riding over choppy, surf-punk guitars and hopscotching bass, Parquet Courts’ Andrew Savage here brandishes his angry-young-man vocals to articulate the desire for familiar flesh that invariably emerges in an unfamiliar place. “Berlin got blurry and my heart starting hurting for you,” he confides, and the zigzagging, razor-edged jangle refrain that follows could be heard as Savage stumbling through streets he’s never seen before, looking for some reason or excuse to forget his lover an ocean away. Considered another way, this is that surrealistic jump-cut from Paul McCartney’s verse to “A Day in the Life,” where “somebody [speaks] and [he goes] into a dream”, gutted and turned inside out: Savage is in a dream already, a traveler beneath threatening skies, waiting for someone to speak to him directly and, in effect, pull him back to lucidity. [7/10]

Chris Ingalls: What will this do to my street cred if share the fact that this is the first time I’ve heard a Parquet Courts song? Wow, it felt good to get that off my chest. There’s so much great stuff to pick apart in this song. The vocals: Elvis Costello in a garage band? In fact, the whole thing sounds very raw and post-punk, while still being sweetly melodic, as if Television and Ice Cream For Crow-era Beefheart decided to roll the dice and pool their resources. I love the lyrics, in addition to the knotty guitar solo. It’s young and brash, but seems to have a maturity beyond its years. [8/10]

Chad Miller: Vocals aren’t great, and the lyrics aren’t anything to write home about. However, the does melody have a pretty pleasant sound, giving the track a boost into decency. [6/10]

Parquet Courts‘ new album Human Performance releases April 8th via Rough Trade Records.

SCORE: 7.00