Earl Burrows is an intriguing, polychromatic, rock and roll entity. No Love for the Drowning, the band's debut, sports an astute, introspective nature, and an adventurous, exploratory urge.
Dean Fertita, the incendiary strike force alongside rock titans Joshua Homme and Jack White (among others) and solo artist, discusses creativity, music, and art.
With a name change and renewed sense of pop purpose, Josh Epstein of dynamic pop duo JR JR talks with PopMatters about the band's eponymous new album and so much more.
Mini Mansions discusses the band's current/future efforts, the sometimes-arduous process of writing compelling lyrics, and the intimate interrelationship they maintain to pop, music, and the wider culture of major-label work.
Vocalist Chris Georgiadis of British hard rock act Turbowolf discusses his band's latest release Two Hands, creativity and inspiration and what it means to be 'punk' these days.
"Don't let the bastards grind you down!" encourages music industry veteran Andy Crofts. As frontman for British rock band the Moons, Crofts seeks to spark creativity and musicality in a throng of eager fans.
Country music star Ashley Monroe gets up close and personal, discussing the emotional rollercoaster that went into creating her latest release, The Blade along with her creative process and her role within the music business.
Melodic, dark, contemporary music with delightful twists and turns, Mini Mansions's The Great Pretenders offers fans a bit of psychedelic swirl amalgamated with sensible, fairly sophisticated, fun pop rock.
From this rare live recording, listen to the MK II lineup of Deep Purple blaze and jam through 70 minutes of their now-classic tunes on Long Beach 1971.