the strokes

Telepathe: Destroyer

Telepathe: Destroyer

"Tonight we dine in hell!" Brooklyn duo on rampage after four-year incarceration!
20 Questions: Albert Hammond, Jr.

20 Questions: Albert Hammond, Jr.

For Albert Hammond Jr., "Sometimes you wanna be James Bond and sometimes you wanna be Marlon Brando until you realize you can't be either!"
Everything Has Changed, Nothing Has Changed: Music in a Post-9/11 World

Everything Has Changed, Nothing Has Changed: Music in a Post-9/11 World

The attacks of 9/11 may have caused a noticeable shift in the lyrical content of musicians and even sonic changes in the short term, but, in the end, normalcy finds a way to settle in.
Julian Casablancas + The Voidz: Tyranny

Julian Casablancas + The Voidz: Tyranny

Julian Casablancas + The Voidz get weird on Tyranny, but weird doesn't automatically mean quality.
Warm Soda: Young Reckless Hearts

Warm Soda: Young Reckless Hearts

Young Reckless Hearts is an insipid release short on ideas and long on campiness.
Drowners: Drowners

Drowners: Drowners

Drowners are not quite "New Generation" nor "The Wild Ones" more "Lazy" or "Trash".

Albert Hammond Jr.: AHJ

Finding the Perfect Balance: An Interview with Albert Hammond, Jr.

The Top 8 “Next Nirvanas”

All Cannibals: Black Shark Shake-A-Lake

Pearl Jam: 20 Years in the Rearview Mirror: 3 – 4 September 2011

The Strokes’ ‘Is This It’ Ten Years Later